Health check-up to work has more advantages than you think.

Health check-up to work has more advantages than you think. Pre-employment health check-up What are the check-ups “Pre-employment health check-up, what checks will I need to get tested for AIDS? I’m very worried ” For people living with HIV, limiting the number of people who will know about their blood results, as well as the opportunity to do things like normal people It is considered something that affects the mind. will include an HIV test It will have an effect on the mind and is something that undermines the feelings of the patient.

HIV testing is something that everyone wants to focus on, especially those with risky behaviors. should be strongly examined, but this is a personal matter is satisfaction And the comfort of checking this is another matter that no one has the right to. to randomly check others or forcing others to inspect

Why do I need to have a health check before I go to work?

A pre-employment health check is required for all companies.

Ensure that employees are physically ready

Able to perform work without health problems

prevent diseases that can be spread to others

Reduce the cost of unnecessary medical expenses each year.

For those who want to check before entering the group

– general factory workers, department store employees, PC, cashier

– restaurant staff, cooks, waitresses

– general hotel staff, resorts

Advantages of a pre-employment health check-up

For those working people who rarely go to health check-ups, doctorathome health checks before starting work will allow us to know their own health as well. because sometimes the outside looks normal There may be symptoms of illness or a tendency to various diseases within, if known early, it can be treated in time.

Preparing for a pre-employment health check

no need to withhold water and food

Should wear a shirt that is convenient to draw blood at the crook of the arm.

Should get enough sleep. You should not sleep deprivation before the test day.

If the old X-ray film Please bring it with you at all times.

If you suspect that you are pregnant, please inform the staff in advance before the examination.Daily Ui 16 with overlay dailyui illustration overlay singapore ux website

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